Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit Moves to Pretrial Discovery

Emma Gonzalez | May 7th, 2012

Olga Povoroznyuk hired birth injury attorneys to file a lawsuit in the Circuit County Court of Cook County, Illinois on September 30, 2011. The plaintiff’s complaint alleges that her son’s condition – cerebral palsy as a result of birth injury – was occasioned by medical malpractice. As of May 2012, Plaintiff Povoroznyuk’s case is moving forward and is currently undergoing pretrial processes, including discovery.

Birth injury lawsuit claims negligence

During Ms. Povoroznyuk’s pregnancy with Mark, the plaintiff alleges that she was concerned due to a lack of fetal movement. Ms. Povoroznyuk had already experienced preterm labor with two previous pregnancies, and was aware of possible complications and birth injuries caused by the condition. However, according to her birth injury lawyer, at no time did the plaintiff know that her pregnancy was considered high-risk. Additionally, neither her obstetrician nor other medical professionals took measures to diagnose her condition, which is known as incompetent cervix, or to prevent possible birth injury.

Infant experiences cerebral palsy as a result of birth injury

On October 2, 2003, Ms. Povoroznyuk again reported lack of fetal movement. It was determined that she was in preterm labor, and was already three centimeters dilated. Her medical team delivered Mark by C-section, and he was later diagnosed with a bacterial infection. It took an additional three days for Mark’s doctors to determine that he had also suffered a brain hemorrhage. Mark was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a permanent and serious birth injury.

Birth injury lawyer demands damages for infant’s condition

Plaintiff Povoroznyuk’s lawsuit claims that Mark’s condition went unchecked and untreated, and as a result her infant son experienced brain damage resulting in cerebral palsy. Povoroznyuk requests damages and compensation for Mark’s injuries and future medical care. Povoroznyuk’s lawsuit is slated for a case management conference in late May 2012.