Medical Malpractice Could Cause Brachial Plexus Injury

Elise Kramer | December 21st, 2012

Parents of children who have suffered a severe birth injury know how emotionally and financially taxing their care is–some infants need round the clock medical care, while others will be affected by their injury for a lifetime. Many parents might not realize that serious birth injuries, including brachial plexus injury, could come about as a result of medical malpractice or… Read more »

Brain Damage in Newborns

Tracy Ray | December 19th, 2012

When delivering a baby, obstetricians and other medical professionals involved in the birth must carefully monitor the health of both the mother and the child, and act swiftly at the first sign of a problem, following the standard of care. In many cases, failure to recognize or react properly to a problem during the birth process can result in a… Read more »

Bone Fracture in Newborns

Tracy Ray | December 18th, 2012

Bone injuries and fractures are among the most common birth injuries: an estimated 1 in 1,000 newborns suffers a bone injury or fracture. Such injuries can occur during delivery or immediately after birth. Some fractures may be obvious immediately, but in other cases, it may take days before the problem reveals itself. Fractures can occur when the doctors or nurses… Read more »

Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit Filed in California by Guardian Ad Litem

Perry Larkin | December 4th, 2012

If a hospital or health care provider’s staff such as doctors, aides, nurses, or other workers have been found to have failed to provide a reasonable standard of care and a newborn is injured, the staff may be found to have caused birth injury resulting from medical malpractice. When this occurs, the parents of an injured child may have grounds… Read more »

Child’s Cerebral Palsy and Neurological Disorder Caused by Birth Injury Negligence, Lawsuit Charges

Tracy Ray | December 3rd, 2012

A child’s cerebral palsy, hearing loss, and kernicterus (a neurological disorder) were all caused by the negligence of the hospital where the child was born, according to the child’s guardian ad litem, who filed a birth injury lawsuit against the hospital, Sutter West Bay Hospital, on November 16, 2012, in the Superior Court of San Francisco County, California. Symptoms of… Read more »